Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Paper craft...

I have been busy over the last week or so, making lots of little felt animals for my Wee Woodland Folk.
I am realising though that without being able to spend huge amounts of time promoting my facebook page, I'm not getting much interest.

Facebook pages would seem to be a little bit like school, there are definitely a few what I would call cliques on there. I try and return every like and comment made to me and am genuinely pleased and surprised by how many people have shown interest in and commented on my little makes. 
It's nice to be nice, or so I've heard.......

I have met some really lovely friendly people since opening my page though so I can't complain too much, it's great to be able to converse with other people who have a genuine love of craft, not many of my friends share my interest and my other half just complains "there is STUFF everywhere" I don't think he realises creative genius often comes from a disorganised mind, well that's my excuse! 

Today was my lovely day off this week, I wanted a break from sewing and as I have said before my first love is paper, I had a bit of this lovely Par avion paper by Cavallini left from making some envelopes and stars ages ago, and was thinking about the Jubilee and then obviously the red, white and blue and I came over all patriotic. So I used it to make the origami flower pictured above , I have to say I'm quite enamoured by it and am definitely going to make some more.
Hope you all have a great week.

Sam x

Monday, 5 March 2012

Sewing FAIL !

A supreme failure,

is sadly how I would describe my attempt at making the art doll. Sewing the body was fine and fairly easy but then I attempted to put on the features and it all went to pot. So for the moment the doll goes into the 'projects to be completed at a later date' box.

Knot in tail to remember ?

After receiving my spring pack from I felt newly inspired and I returned to my love affair with  felt, and whipped up a quartet of miniature animal softies. I sketched them out first and  I've seen some amazing sketches people have done as a plan for their item, they are beautifully drawn and coloured and I must confess mine are on lined paper and drawn with a biro ! If I sat down and tried to draw a perfect representation of what I wanted to make, I don't think it would work for me.

Eye Eye

I'm more of a doodler, always have been, sat on the phone bit of paper and a pen and I am away, when things are slow at work  doodle do, and that works for me because there is no pressure to get it perfect. 
My art teacher at school pegged me right when she said Sam has good ideas but the execution can be messy and that I'm afraid still rings true, and the main problem I struggle with is eagerness, I don't want to measure it perfectly, iron it, cut it, iron it again tack it together and then sew it, I'm a bit of a bull at a gate and I want to cut the thing out and sew sew sew! That is why felt is so perfect for me, I find it easier to manipulate and I can trim it without having to worry about fraying. It comes in a massive variety of colours, thickness and you can also get precut shapes. Loving the sound of that? Then check out

Pardon ?

I started with my hastily scribbled template, and made Maurice and then the daintily pretty Maude, Maurice had gone so well I knew I would be making more, I can now work on all the extra details that will make them fab ! Maude also got her flower to compliment her colour scheme.

The flower

Maurice and Maude in love x

Uncle Monty
Bow tied 

Uncle Monty got an acid bright bow tie and I toyed with the idea of a top hat or a monocle, because a rogue needs a little something extra.
Perky tailed rascal

CoCo the Chihuahua
My scarf, it's lace you know..
Floral beauty x


And finally I doodled a new template and made up CoCo, now I have a confession, CoCo started life as a cat, however once I had stitched her together and sewn on the features I realised she was a dog, but I won't tell her if you don't :) she's the bee's knees with her fancy scarf and flower on her head.

More soon 

Sam x